Hanging the American flag upside down violates federal law according to the U.S. Flag Code unless it is used as “a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”
ODU’s Guild of Printmakers used this symbol with a peace sign painted on the flag to ask and answer the question “Where is the peace?” through their printmaking artwork. The “Where Is the Peace?” exhibit opened at the Hixon Student Art Gallery on Mar. 14th.
Some students asked this question about capitalism, communism, socialism, taxism, and climate change/pollution through interpretive prints to represent the construct that they were against. My personal favorite was a print made by Dylan Parrish titled, “My Home!” In Parrish’s artwork, there was a recycle bin overflowing with earth and a nuclear sign on it. On the side of the recycling bin was a raccoon yelling “My Home!” and staring up at a glass bottle thrown into the bin, which seemingly was lit on fire.

On the other side of the art gallery, students answered the question of where their peace was. There were layered screen prints of an image of the Naro and another of a beach in Rio de Janeiro. Other works that were displayed were a laser-cut woodblock print titled Night Alley and a five-layer screenprint titled Nuclear Church, both of which were created by Mallory Sherman. Three lithograph works displayed eyes watching various events, titled “Monkey See.”
In the middle of the art gallery was a stand holding a Modelo can with a smiley face koozie reading “Fun facts!” This screenprint on a koozie by Parrish goes to show the many ways that screenprinting can be used and messages interrupted.

As the exhibition was about peace, there were also signs encouraging people to bring peace and be kinder people by checking on friends, helping the homeless, speaking out against prejudice, fighting for equality, questioning authority, and knowing rights. A large peace sign poster was displayed for people to write on and answer the question.
While this exhibit was certainly interruptive, it was nice to see the many different voices and opinions that ODU students have through beautiful, impressive print, which can often be an overlooked form of art.