ODU Kills Graduation Ceremony Rumors

ODU’s 137th commencement ceremony in 2022. This year’s ceremony will take place at S.B. Ballard Stadium. Credit to Old Dominion University Photo Department, 2022.

By Justice Menzel, News Editor

On May 6, a collective body of ODU bachelor’s degree earners will graduate in one commencement ceremony at the S.B. Ballard Stadium. The University has stated that the event will encompass every college and school, signifying a process that will take multiple hours. Each student is allotted ten invitations and must appear in cap and gown regalia at 9 a.m.


Weeks ago, many students feared that they’d no longer be walking the University seal and would only hear their names read among the graduating class. With the event comprising all undergraduate students and individual colleges, the rumor sprung from fear of time constraints. 


On Mar. 15, Old Dominion University sent an email to graduating students dispelling the rumor and reaffirming the University’s commitment to a safe and equitable commencement ceremony.


We have been made aware of some rumors regarding the stage crossing for the ceremony at S.B. Ballard Stadium,” it read. “By way of this message, we would like to confirm and put your minds at ease that all students will cross the stage during the ceremony as their name is announced.”


In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held at Chartway Arena off Hampton Boulevard. At either location, students are expected to “arrive dressed in academic regalia (cap & gown) to Kaufman Mall which is located in front of Webb University Center near the Lion Fountain.” 


Students who have not completed all graduation requirements but participate in the ceremony “are not considered graduates.” 


“We are excited to join you, your family, and friends in celebrating you on May 6th at S.B. Ballard Stadium!,” the email said. 


Any questions regarding graduation and the commencement ceremony can be directed to commencement@odu.edu.